Mobile Bleachers
"Mobile Bleacher" units, or "Rolling Grandstands" (RGS) as they are also known, are a temporary, low cost, and efficient spectator seating solution featuring capacities of 100-300 persons per unit.
Mike Brown Grandstands's Mobile Bleacher units are trailer mounted, arrive pre assembled, and simply unfold for use. Setup typically takes 30 minutes once a unit is placed, and even less time to remove. The only requirement for a Mobile Bleacher is the access and space to maneuver a truck and trailer for placement.
Installing rapidly, with minimal labor, Mobile Bleachers are typically the least expensive system of bleacher seat to rent (particularly for short term use). Having dozens of units (in different sizes) has allowed us to utilize Mobile Bleachers for numerous different applications and places – from aircraft carrier fight decks to high schools. This year alone, they have accommodated spectators for motor races, fairs, graduations, football games, concerts, soccer games, parades, car shows, movies, POW WOWs, bicycle races, corporate events, martial arts tournaments, air shows, and rocket launches!
Mobile Bleachers are frequently used for high school “Every 15 Minutes” programs. The bleachers can be installed on the same day as the demonstration thereby minimizing the duration of street closures and avoiding disruption to routine activities.
Mobile Bleachers For Any Size Event:
42 ft. x 12 Row - 300 seats (based on 18" minimum per seat).
42 ft. x 10 Row - 250 seats (based on 18" minimum per seat).
34 ft. x 10 Row - 200 seats (based on 18" minimum per seat).